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In crisis? Contact North Shore Peer Assisted Care Team (PACT). Call: 1 (888) 261-7228 or Text: (778) 839-1831

We are an Equity Employer

We are an equity employer and encourage applicants from women, persons with disabilities, members of visible minorities, First Nations, Inuit, and Metis people, people of all sexual orientation and genders and others who may contribute to our further diversification.

We live by our values

Our values of agency, connection, integrity, kindness, and social innovation are behind everything we do.


  • We meet people where they are at.
  • We acknowledge each person is an expert on themselves and the life they want to lead.
  • We intentionally choose to create environments where people can learn to trust their inner wisdom.
  • We believe each person is valued and respected for their own sake.


  • We see ourselves as part of an ecosystem that collectively supports wellbeing, and recognize that flourishing requires that community be at the centre.
  • We seek and harness diversity of thought because it makes our community stronger.
  • We pursue collaboration.
  • We see the present as rooted in the past and we acknowledge our shared history as we take steps forward.


  • We create conditions that make all people feel safe and trusted including our clients, our staff, other organizations, and our funders.
  • We are accountable to others and ourselves.
  • We honour and respect the trust that is bestowed on us.
  • We believe that acting with integrity is a choice; a choice to be guided by the principles of honesty, fairness, and decency.


  • We recognize that kindness is more than being nice; it’s about supporting growth.
  • We choose to build each other up.
  • We are thoughtful about how our words and actions impact others.
  • We shine a light on people’s strengths when they are unable to see them.

Social Innovation

  • We create an environment where people feel safe to share new ideas and approaches.
  • We are committed to identifying and giving voice to the systemic gaps and injustices and responding to them through innovative programs and actions.
  • We advocate with care and compassion.
  • We use stories to create change.

Volunteer with us

Our volunteers are the heart and soul of the work we do. If you’re interested in volunteering, we would love to hear from you.