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In crisis? Contact North Shore Peer Assisted Care Team (PACT). Call: 1 (888) 261-7228 or Text: (778) 839-1831

If you or someone around you is in immediate danger/or safety risk, call 911

Speak to your doctor, or go to your nearest hospital emergency room, Urgent Primary Care Centre (UPCC), walk-in clinic or community health centre.

If you’re thinking about ending your life or are concerned about someone who may be, call or text 9-8-8 toll-free

9-8-8 provides support anytime in English or French. It’s a Suicide Crisis Helpline for anyone who is thinking about suicide, or who is worried about someone they know. Connect to a responder to get help without judgement.

Need someone to talk to right away?

If you are worried, confused or just need someone to talk to, there is help available.

  • Mental Health Support Line: Call 310-6789 (do not add 604, 778 or 250 before the number). This number will connect you to your local BC crisis line without a wait or busy signal, 24 hours a day. Crisis line workers are trained to help provide emotional support as well as mental health information and resources.
  • Kid’s Help Phone: Call 1 (800) 668-6868. For kids and teens (ages 20 and under), professional counsellors are available to help, 24 hours a day. It’s free, confidential and anonymous.
  • Vancouver Coastal Region Distress Line: (604) 872-3311
  • Kuu-us Crisis Line (for First Nations, by First Nations): 1 (800) 588-8717
  • Seniors Distress Line: (604) 872-1234
  • Online Chat for Youth: www.YouthInBC.com (Noon to 1am)
  • Online Chat for Adults: www.CrisisCentreChat.ca (Noon to 1am)

Looking for community support services?

Kelty Dennehy Mental Health Resource Centre is located at the HOpe Centre, Lions Gate Hospital. They can help you navigate the mental health system and get information. Call (778) 246-6062 or email keltyhope@cmhanorthshore.ca

North Shore Resource Guide

Browse through the categories below, or download the brochure PDF, for a list of local supports and services.

Support for Seniors

Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Old Age Security (OAS), Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS)

Retirement pension, monthly financial supplements for those 65+ years old


Seniors One Stop program & Better at Home program, North Shore Community Resources

604-982-3312 (Seniors One Stop) for resource navigation

604-982-3321 (Better at Home) for low cost in-home care

Seniors Outreach & Safehouse, Hollyburn Society

Housing outreach and short term transitional housing


Parkgate Society

Recreation programs, dementia services, resource navigation support


North Shore Neighbourhood House

Peer support, fitness/recreational classes for all ability levels


Capilano Community Services

Seniors’ hub, volunteer medical driver, short-term health equipment loan program


Silver Harbour

Recreational programs, legal services, meal program


Support for Youth

Foundry North Shore

Mental health/substance use support, primary care, peer support, social services for youth ages 12-24


Counselling program & PROUD2BE, Family Services North Shore

Individual counselling and drop-in support groups for youth ages 16-24, LGBTQ2S+ friendly


Y Minds

Individual counselling and drop-in support groups for youth ages 16-24, LGBTQ2S+ friendly


Youth Safe House, Hollyburn Society

1-877-789-6884 (24 hour line) 24/7, 7 days a week

Farsi-specific supports

IMPACT North Shore

Newcomer support for housing, employment, mental health education, parenting


BC International Seniors Society (BCISS)

Support and activities for Farsi-speaking seniors


Parenting Support Group for Mothers, North Shore Women’s Centre

Parenting Support Group for Mothers


Support Group for caregivers of people living with dementia, Alzheimer Society BC


Housing & Shelter

Outreach Services

Outreach Services, CMHA North & West Vancouver

Learn more about our Outreach Services


Adult Homelessness Outreach, Lookout Society

604-982-9126 (ext. 0)

North Shore Solutions Navigator Program604-220-8431 or 604-230-2454

604-220-8431 or 604-230-2454

Outreach Services, North Shore Crisis Services Society


North Shore Shelters

North Shore Housing Centre, Lookout Society

604-982-9126 (ext. 0)

705 West 2nd St, North Vancouver

24/7, 7 days a week

Sage Transition House, North Shore Crisis Services Society

604-987-3374 (24 hour women’s support line)

24/7, 7 days a week

Rental Assistance

Rental Assistance program, BC Housing


BC Rent Bank


Rent Bank, Harvest Project


Food Banks & Grocery

Quest Food Exchange

167 1st St East, North Vancouver

Monday-Friday: 9am-5:45pm
Saturday: 9am-3:45pm


North Shore Food Bank, North Shore Neighbourhood House

604-987-8138 (ext. 200)

225 East 2nd St, North Vancouver

Wednesdays: 9am-6pm

St. Andrew’s United Church, in partnership with Harvest Project

1044 St Georges Ave, North Vancouver

Tuesdays: 11am-1pm


North Vancouver Community Food Bank, Salvation Army

105 West 12th St, North Vancouver

Monday-Friday: 10am-4pm


Emergency Food and Toiletries, North Shore Women’s Centre

131 2nd St E, North Vancouver

Tuesdays: 12pm-2pm


Clothing & Household

Shelter to Home


Good Stuff Connection Clothing Program, North Shore Crisis Services Society


Salvation Army


BC Technology for Learning Society

Low-cost computers for low income individuals


Internet for Good program, Telus

Low-cost internet for low income families

1-888-221-1687 or internetforgood@telus.com

Health & Mental Health

Counselling Programs, CMHA North & West Vancouver

Short-term subsidized counselling in English & Farsi.

Learn more about our counselling services


Primary Care Clinic, Health Connections Clinic

148 East 15th St, North Vancouver

For those with no regular Family Doctor and face complex medical, mental health and addictions, and/or socio-economic needs


Urgent and Primary Care Centre (UPCC)

Suite 200, 2nd Floor, 221 West Esplanade, North Vancouver

Same-day care for non-life threatening health concerns within 12-24 hrs

604-973-1600 (ext. 3)


For families of loved ones living with a serious mental illness


North Shore Alcoholics Anonymous

Support for those struggling with alcohol addiction


AI-Anon Family Group

For families/friends of alcoholics


North Shore Nar-Anon Family Support Group

For adults affected by someone else’s addiction


Westcoast Family Centre

For parents and families with children ages 0-19


Family Services North Shore

Free/sliding scale counselling


Stepping Stones Concurrent Disorders Service, VCH

Substance use and mental health support


Turning Point Recovery Society

Bed-based and outreach addiction recovery programs

604-971-0111 (for women)

604-988-4317 (for men)

Sexual Violence Support

Victim Support, Hollyburn Society


Sexual Assault Response Phone Line, Family Services North Shore

604-924-7676 (24 hour line)

Salal Sexual Violence Support Centre

1-877-392-7583 (24 hour line)

Options for Sexual Health, North Vancouver Clinic

Parkgate Health Centre, 2nd Floor, 3625 Banff Court, North Vancouver


Disability Support

Community Living Society


Community Living BC


North Shore Disability Resource Centre


Intellectual Disabilities Society, North & West Vancouver


Legal Assistance

Legal Aid BC

Family, criminal, and immigration law guidance for no cost with priority given to low-income households

604-408-2172 or 1-866-577-2525

Access Pro Bono

Provides free legal advice to eligible individuals

604-687-3221 or 1-800-663-1919

Community Legal Assistance Society (CLAS)

Provides legal advice related to human rights, housing, income security and mental health rights

604-685-3425 or 1-888-685-6222


Provides support for low income migrants such as legal advice, health, and employment guidance


Native Court Worker and Counselling Association of B.C.

Provides legal and court services to Indigenous people


IMPACT North Shore

Basic info on legal system, rights and responsibilities for new immigrants


Community Legal Services Program, North Shore Community Resources

Provides free legal info, advice, and advocacy services to those facing disputes or legal issues


Residential Tenancy Branch, British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal


Call for Distress

Community Response

Peer Assisted Care Team (PACT), CMHA North & West Vancouver

Mental health emergency support in-person or by phone. Learn more about PACT

Call: 1-888-261-7228

Text: 778-839-1831

7 days a week, 8am-12:30am

Municipality support

Police / Fire / Ambulance


Non-emergency RCMP


Non-emergency West Vancouver Police


Victim Services


District of North Vancouver (DNV) Fire and Rescue


City of North Vancouver Fire Department


Provincial or National

BC 211

Free, confidential support and referral to local services

211 (24-hour line)

310 Mental Health Support

Connects to a BC crisis line, without a wait or busy signal

310-6789 (no area code)

Health Link BC

For free, non-emergency confidential info and advice

811 (24-hour line)

Indian Residential Schools Survivor Society (IRSSS) Lamathut Crisis Line

1-800-721-0066 (24-hour line)

KUU-US Crisis Line Society Support for Indigenous Adults and Youth

250-723-4050 (adults)

250-723-2040 (youth)

The National Indian Residential School Crisis Line

Emotional/crisis support for residential school survivors

1-866-925-4419 (24-hour line)

Battered Women’s Support Services

Monday-Friday: 10am-5pm
Wednesdays: 10am-8pm


Youth Against Violence Line

1-800-680-4264 (24-hour line)

Kids Help Phone

1-800-668-6868 (call, 24-hour line) or 686868 (text)


Support for 2SLGBTQI+ individuals

1-800-566-1170 (adults)

1-855-956-1777 (youth)

Pflag Canada

Peer support for issues related to gender identity/expression and sexual orientation


BC Hate Crimes

Call to report hate crimes


Crime Stoppers

Call to provide anonymous crime tips



Support for victims of crime in 100+ languages

1-800-563-0808 (24-hour line)

Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline

24/7 confidential and multilingual support for victims/survivors or human trafficking


Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre

For victims of a scam, fraud or cybercrime
