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In crisis? Contact North Shore Peer Assisted Care Team (PACT). Call: 1 (888) 261-7228 or Text: (778) 839-1831

Address and operating hours

1337 St. Andrews Avenue, North Vancouver, BC, on the ground floor of the HOpe Centre at Lions Gate Hospital.

Open Monday to Thursday from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM.
Closed on Fridays, weekends and statutory holidays.

Please note that some in-person and virtual groups, courses, and workshops offered via RC YVR may take place outside these operating hours.

Phone: (604) 984-5000 ext. 2385190
Email: keltyhope@cmhanorthshore.ca

Services and supports provided

Services and supports at the KDMHRC are provided by CMHA NWV at no cost to visitors and are offered in partnership with Vancouver Coastal Heath, and partially funded by Lions Gate Hospital Foundation and West Vancouver Community Foundation.

Everyone is welcome!

Services and supports at the KDMHR are best suited for:

  • People who are affected by mental health challenges
  • Family and friends of people affected by mental health challenges
  • Health care professionals and community members supporting people with mental health challengesion and West Vancouver Community Foundation.

Peer Navigation

Speak with a knowledgeable and compassionate Peer Navigator about your mental health challenges and about navigating the mental health system, resources, and supports.

Social Support Groups

Our social support groups offered by Kelty Dennehy Mental Health Resource Centre (KDMHRC) are free and provide opportunities for individuals to explore mental health and wellness, create meaningful connections, and feel empowered in their journey.

Resource Library

Over 400 books on mental health and wellness available to sign out.

The resource library is a partnership with the North Vancouver City Library (NVCL). Anyone with a NVCL card can sign out books. If you don’t have a NVCL card, no worries! We can easily hook you up with a card or connect your currently home library card to the NVCL system so you can sign out materials.

All books can be signed out for three weeks and renewed a maximum of two times. All members of the community are welcome and able to sign out materials from the library.

The library also offers SAD lamps for rent.

More information about the resource library

Book subjects
  • Aboriginal Resources
  • Addiction & Harm Reduction
  • Anxiety, Stress
  • Bipolar
  • Relationships, Communication, Emotions
  • Community
  • Depression
  • Developmental Disabilities & Mental Health
  • Food, Body Image, Eating Disorders
  • Gender/Queer Identity
  • Health & Wellness
  • Kids Books
  • Mental Health General
  • Personal Stories, Memoirs
  • Personality Disorders
  • Schizophrenia
  • Self-Harm, Suicide
  • Therapy, Counselling, Interventions
  • Trauma, Abuse, Violence
3 ways to renew books
  • Login to the Kelty Centre Library Catalogue. Your login is the barcode on your library card. Your PIN is the last 4 digits of your phone number. Here you can also place holds, see what you have checked out, see due dates and other information related to your account.
  • Call the Kelty Resource Centre at (604) 984-5000 ext. 2385190
  • Email keltyhope@cmhanorthshore.ca
Returning books

Books can be dropped off (in order of preference):

  1. At the Kelty Resource Centre during our open hours
  2. To the Blenz Coffee Shop next door to the Resource Centre
  3. To the North Vancouver City Library
  4. To any public library on the North Shore (West Vancouver Memorial Library; North Vancouver District Public Library)
  5. To any public library in the Lower Mainland
Donate books and other items

We accept small quantities of book donations as well as small quantities of quality fine arts, knitting, and craft supplies.

Books should meet the following criteria:

  1. On a mental health and/or wellness issue
  2. In good condition
  3. Publication date after 2000 (unless it’s a classic)
  4. Targeted toward those living with mental health challenges (not toward medical staff)
  5. No textbooks or religious materials

Donations can be dropped off at the Kelty Resource Centre during open hours.

Community resources

In addition to books, we have a comprehensive collection of pamphlets and brochures on community resources available in the North Shore community. These resources include information on mental health, addiction, employment, housing, legal services, support groups, free food programs and youth programs.

We also have collection of DVDs on mental health and wellness.