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Coping after a Traumatic Event

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You might be experiencing a range of feelings and emotions after the violent incident that took place in Lynn Valley on Saturday March 27th, 2021.

People have been directly and indirectly impacted by this event, with a number of people in close vicinity and many seeing the incident described in media after the fact. It is important to remember that you are not alone and there are various resources available to help support those in need.

The following is a resource list of services available in North Vancouver and the surrounding area that range from immediate crisis support to longer-term services. Click here for PDF poster.

Immediate Crisis Support

• North Shore Virtual Mental Health & Resilience Centre: The centre was created specifically in response to the events that took place in Lynn Valley Village on March 27. It is a virtual space for the community to access short-term services to support their mental and emotional well-being. Call 1-888-686-3022 or email MRT@phsa.ca and request a telephone support call. They will get back to you within 24 hours. Find more information here: https://nsem.ca/
Mental Health Support: 310-6789 (24-hour service, no area code needed)
Crisis Centre: 1-800-784-2433 (24-hour service)
KUU-US Crisis Line Society: 1-800-588-8717 (24-hour service)
Kids Help Phone: Text CONNECT to 686868 or visit kidshelpphone.ca
Indigenous Initiatives Network: Text “First nations” “metis” or “Inuit” to 686868 (youth) or 741741 (adults) or call 1-800-668-6868
Crisis Centre: Youth in BC Crisis Chat: Visit youthinbc.com (noon to 1:00 am)
• VictimLinkBC: toll free, confidential, multilingual service available across BC 24/7. Call or text 1-800-563-0808 or email VictimLinkBC@bc211.ca

Services Available

• We provide counselling for adults. Click here for more information. 
Foundry Youth Support (13-24 yrs):
For drop in support with the Foundry North Shore team call 604-984-5060 Monday through Thursday (1-5pm). More information at https://foundrybc.ca/northshore. You can also contact Foundry Central at 1-833-308-6379 between 1:15 and 7:15 pm Monday to Friday or register online to book an appointment at foundrybc.ca/virtual. For urgent youth support (YURT) on the North Shore, call 604-230-0389 (9:30 am to 7:30 pm Monday-Friday). foundrybc.ca/virtual
Family Services of the North Shore:
Children, youth, and families can access a full continuum of prevention and early intervention services in- person and online. Services include low cost / free counseling. Visit https://www.familyservices.bc.ca/ find- support/counselling-support/ to learn more.
Here to Help: Find the information you need to manage mental health and substance use problems, and learn how you can support a loved one by visiting www.heretohelp.bc.ca

Additional Resources:

-Lynn Valley Remembers: https://lynnvalleyremembers.ca/

-Lynn Valley Strong Community Resources page: https://lynnvalleystrong.carrd.co/?fbclid=IwAR0pyNUgvRGLseFSSjdQ0QH3Nq0IyJCfycm0FER2UYGL3SPYoXsw0I1nt-c

– Coping & Self Care: https://crisiscentre.bc.ca/coping-and-self-care/

– Tips for good Mental Health: https://www.heretohelp.bc.ca/infosheet/tips-for-good-mental-health

– Responding to Stressful Events: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/reports-publications/responding-stressful-events.html

-What to expect in the wake of mass violence: https://www.ptsd.va.gov/understand/types/mass_violence_help.asp

–  Violence & Mental Health: https://www.heretohelp.bc.ca/infosheet/violence-mental-illness-and-substance-use

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